On Women, International Women's Day, and Comprehensive Exams

This post is quite late. It was supposed to go up on March 8, because that is International Women's Day and, coincidentally, also my wife's birthday.

Any way, 21 days late, Happy International Women's Day, to my wife in particular, and Happy Birthday to her as well! The reason blogging has been such a slog around here at Langue or Parole? recently is that my woman has been preparing for her doctoral comps and just last Saturday completed them.

That means that I have been much more occupied with household work, although I like to think that I generally do a good bit of the chores and babysitting, being part of my generation's well-documented trend of having women more involved in work and men more involved in the home. But studying for doctoral exams is no mean task, and I was happy to help my wife out during that time. I am proud of and thankful for the wife God has given me.


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