First-Hand Account of March 11 Earthquake (as felt in Tokyo)

3月11日の地震、津波などの悲劇をテレビと写真で見て、人間の言語で全く表現できないことでしょうが、この天災を経験した方々はその経験をある程度説明してくださいます。ある千葉県に住んでいるアメリカ人の友達の話がサウス.カロライナのGreenville Newsに出ました。

A missionary friend, Martha Cochran, was eating lunch in a restaurant in a Tokyo high-rise when she felt the March 11 earthquake that began the devastation all up and down the northeast coast of Japan. The Greenville News has an article about her experience. (If the link doesn't work, try putting the article title in a search engine: "BJU grad adjusting to new normal in Japan.")


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