Montreal is a great city--from my perspective, chiefly because it is the second-largest metropolis of French speakers in the world. (The first being...?)
Montreal also has the best or second-best metro/subway system I have ever used. And I've used the systems at least in Tokyo, Nagoya, London, Paris, Rouen, Rome, Geneva, and Mexico City. The Montreal metro is clean as metros go and extremely simple and well-laid out. It saved me dozens of dollars that I would have otherwise had to use for downtown parking. It also saved me hours that I would have had to spend sitting in Montreal traffic (a point definitely not in Montreal's favor).
Montreal is also where I spent most of the last week, at a the annual convention of the American Association of Teachers of French. Thus the absence of blog posts. I hope to catch up now, and this week I will be posting mainly about the Huguenots in North America, which was the topic of my presentation at the convention.
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